When you find yourself owing back taxes from past tax seasons, it may feel like you are in a hopeless cycle in which you can’t catch up. At Key Tax Group in Jacksonville, Florida, we can help you with all of your tax needs. Whether you need help on your current tax year or you need help making up for the past tax seasons, we can help you create a plan of action.
With our fresh start program, we can help you pay off your tax debt without having to face other penalties for being late. We know that having back taxes can cause implications on your life so we work hard to help people find relief. If you owe back taxes, keep reading to learn more about our fresh start program, and contact us today to speak with our team!
What is a Fresh Start Program?
A fresh start program is designed to help taxpayers resolve the payment on their past taxes. The options available help people pay off their taxes without harsh penalties such as wage garnishment, tax liens, seizure of property, and even criminal charges. If you owe past taxes, you still have to settle your current year’s taxes. This can cause huge financial issues and we want to be able to bring you clarity so that you can focus on your other expenses. We can help you set up payment plans and installments so that you know what is expected to be paid and you can then work your budget around it until you are caught up on your payments.
Who Can Qualify?
Taxes can be hard to understand and overwhelming, especially if you are late in paying your taxes. Our team can help you find out if you are qualified for programs such as the fresh start program. There can be a lot of complexity surrounding the qualifications for these programs, and it can be hard to find out if you qualify and how to implement this new plan into your tax status. If applied incorrectly, you run the risk of being denied. Many taxpayers are also unaware of these programs and the resources available to help them.
Qualifying for things like fresh start programs is dependent on how much you owe. How much you owe will also indicate your payment installment plans. Those who owe under $50,000 dollars can expect to have at least 72 months of set-up payment plans. Those who owe over that amount can expect payment plans that last longer and you will be required to provide a financial statement. Regardless of how much you owe, it can cause financial hardship and stress. When you work with us, we can be transparent with you and help you find the best plan to fit your specific circumstances.
What if I Don’t Agree With My Payment Plans?
Your payment plans are based on how much you currently owe while considering your current financial status. If you think there may be a mistake and you believe you won’t be able to make the payments, there are a few options. You can provide additional documentation to show your financial status along with your other financial obligations. Another option is to set up a telephone appointment with an IRS employee to discuss your situation. Those are the main options available, but when you work with us, we can help you determine other routes to ensure that you have the best payment plan possible.
Key Tax Group
We know how frustrating taxes can be, and we know that they can cause financial hardship. Our highest priority is to help you recover from the implications that may have been put on you by past back tax issues. We can help you understand your current tax situation and provide you with resources and programs that can help you.
If you owe back taxes, you may qualify for our fresh start program. Our program was designed for taxpayers like you and we want to be able to help you find financial freedom. Our tax attorneys can help you with the tax relief services that you deserve.
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